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Monday, November 29, 2010

Untitled(Maybe Later I will title it-Suggestions are Welcomed)

In mid day
the sun is peaked.

Curving through lanes and
my thoughts consume me,
milking every memory.

You were beautiful when you
needed my hands at your
face and lips.

Daydreams are bountiful
when honking horns and
bumpers bump, jerking,
I am somewhere else.

In a beat while reading
smelling hot cocoa
and apple pie with
vanilla milk shakes and dog
hair on my sweatshirt.

Switching lanes and going
60 in a 30,
Thinking of first
kisses and feeling like I found
a part of me,
taking it with you along
with your midnight whispers
of dreams you woke from and reliving them again with me.

Traffic playing red light, green light and I'm
running reds,
skipping stops signs.

I shared you for a brief
moment, and like the sun
with your blinding rays, you

Leaving me in darkness,
trying to remember
Neruda poems while

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